India Maharashtra

Publié le par Tanchovic

undefinedWe went to Mumbai to apply for the Chinese visa. Indeed (as it’s still impossible to cross Myanmar) we’d decided to reach Bangkok by crossing Nepal, Tibet, China, and Laos (for Nepal and Laos, you can get the visa at the border). Unhopefully the Chinese visa is valid for three months only -what is to short-, and the embassy asks for a flight ticket. So we’ll have to apply in Nepal, but the problem is that we can only get it in tourist undefinedagencies, which provide very expensive permit to cross Tibet by group and public transport (or jeep) only, and after that you still have to make a new visa for China, what is very uncertain. If we can get a better price and/or bypass those obligations (as some cyclists have apparently already succeeded to do- we are now trying to find undefinedthem on Internet), we will cross Tibet. Otherwise we will have to resign ourselves to taking a boat to South East Asia or a plane to Chengdu in China or to Laos, undefinedwhere we really want to cycle.

In the meantime, we have kept on cycling to the South, following the western Indian coast of the Maharashtra State : hundreds of kilometers of huge beaches lying as far as the eye can see, quiet fishermen villages, banana trees’ and coconut palms’ forests. We undefinedkept going in this tropical atmosphere enjoying the calmness of a more preserved, peaceful and wild India and the beautiful smiles of more relaxed inhabitants.

But the harshness of inhuman steep ascents, the bad undefinedconditions of the roads (huge holes on the asphalt or sometimes only sandy or stony tracks), as well as the beauty of landscapes and the slow pace of life of the Maharashtri people forced us to slow down in our progression. Sometimes 50 kilometers of roller coaster are well enough under this crushing heat, sometimes we cannot help ourselves having a rest a few days in a small bungalow surrounded by kilometers of desert beach. Sometimes we just don’t want to go to fast to better appreciate the charms of the country and the splendid nature … The real travel is "in the slowness" and I don’t say that just because I’m tired.


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Salut les loulous,<br /> Que de réflexions... De quoi s'occuper l'esprit lorsque les jambes sont sollicitées...<br /> Détente Estelle,(pas de gentlemen en Inde) mais à la première occasion Christophe se fera un plaisir de te porter ton sac, de tenir ton vélo et t'ouvrir la porte du prochain hôtel 5 étoiles dont vous avez tellement l'habitude de franchir le pas depuis votre départ... :)<br /> Drôle d'inde, règles ancestrales, injustes, et absurdes parce que plus en phase avec son temps... Cette fois encore merçi de nous ouvrir les yeux, petits planqués que nous sommes.<br /> C'est dans les situations les plus difficiles que se révèle la nature humaine... <br /> Là où vous rencontrez qques difficultés, là également les plus belles rencontres et occasions sauront se présenter. Tant de différences créent forcément le pire mais l'excellence également...<br /> Merçi pr le p'tit mail Tof, ça m'a fait bien bien plaize...<br /> Grosses bises...<br /> 3ème vidéo excellente, Telle qui connait carte par coeur et puis non... Tcho belle plante, tchuss gros barbu...<br /> D'accord vec Steack, tes défilés de mode en sac plastique chez l'Ol doivent te manquer...Montres leur c koa la haute couture de la french inbibé touch...